13 Best Book Candles for Cozy Reading

Looking for the best book candles? 

If you love books and candles, then these are the bookish candles for you! 

From scents that evoke reading in the rain, to old bookshops or libraries, and more, these delightful candle scents are the perfect accompaniment to any reading session!

Late Night Reading Candle

Scented like mahogany and teakwood, this reading-inspired candle is a great accompaniment to relaxing and reading late into the night.


Go Away, I’m Reading Candle

This is the perfect candle to light whenever you just want to be left alone with your book!


Rainy Day Reading Candle

It offers a fresh marine/rain fragrance with sandalwood, amber, and notes of lemon, lime, bergamot, and juniper.


New England Bookshop Candle

This candle contains scents of old books, leather, aging papyrus, weathered wood, and antique incense.


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