How to Read a Book a Week: 17 Tips To Stay On Track

Are you wondering how to read a book a week? We’re often told that smart, successful people read a lot…even a book or two a week!

It’s pretty clear that reading is a great way to learn and grow as a person—but whether you’re reading for fun or for learning, how can you find the time to read more?

Well, if you’re wondering whether reading a book a week is feasible, here are 17 tips that will help you read one book a week!

Prioritize Reading

We all only have 24 hours in a day, so if you want to read a book every week then you’re going to have to make time. Something has to go in order to fit in more reading time!


Always Have a Book With You

If you read physical books, carry your latest read with you in a tote bag, purse, or the like.


Squeeze Reading Into the “In Between” Times in Your Schedule

How does this work? Well, pay attention to the times when you are waiting for things to happen.


Schedule Reading Time

Find a time that works well for you for reading. Maybe that is at night before going to bed. Maybe it’s waking up earlier to read before work.


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