The Alphabet Reading Challenge: What Is It? + Book Suggestions

Looking for a fun reading challenge for adults or for kids? The Alphabet Reading Challenge is a simple and fun way to challenge yourself to read more books this year. Here’s everything you need to know—including what exactly it is and how to join!

Stack of books with flying letters in the air surrounding them

What Is the Alphabet Reading Challenge?

The Alphabet Book Challenge is a reading challenge where you read through the alphabet from A to Z. This challenge is typically done within a year’s timeframe, although you can make your goal to finish it in a shorter or longer amount of time depending on your own goals.

To participate, all you have to do is read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet. That means you’ll be reading 26 books, each starting with a different letter!

Be sure you’re clear on the rules you’re setting yourself from the start—such as, do titles with articles like the word “the” as the first letter go with the letter “T” or is it the first letter of the non-article word that counts? Either way is ok, but you might find it more challenging to find books for some letters if you go with the more strict understanding of “a” or “the” at the beginning of the title being the letters that count.

Additionally, some people like to make the challenge more doable by accepting books with a Q, X, or Z as a first letter anywhere in the title…because there are comparatively few books where the first letter actually starts with one of those. This is perfectly acceptable to do if you would like, but just be sure you set up front what your expectations are so you aren’t tempted to let it slide with other letters too. Because then what fun would the challenge be?

How To Join the Alphabet Book Challenge

This challenge is one you can do on your own, so to join all you need to do is create a list of books you want to read that start with A-Z.

If you would like, you can prepare ahead of time by making a list of which 26 books you want to read. Or, if you prefer, you can just start reading books this year and fill them in as they fit the challenge. Then, you can look at what letters you have left and try to find books to fit those letters later.

Check the books off as you read them, and feel free to let us know in the comments what you’re reading for this challenge as well!

Book Suggestions for the Alphabet Reading Challenge

There are soooo many books and you can really read whatever fits your preferences. But if you’re struggling to know where to start (or if you need help with letters like that pesky Q!) then here are some book suggestions you could consider reading as part of your alphabet reading challenge. This is just a sampling of all the incredible books out there that you could read for this challenge!



























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