28 Things to Do While Listening to Audiobooks

Wondering what to do while listening to audiobooks? There are lots of benefits to listening to audiobooks, and it can be exciting to have someone read a book to you! But if you’re like me, you might get a little fidgety if you simple listen and stare at a wall. So here are 28 things to do while listening to audiobooks so you can stay engaged and enjoy the story!

1. Read Along While Listening

When wondering what to do when listening to audiobooks, your first option is to read along while listening. Depending on the way your brain works, you might find that you take in information better either when you read or when you are listening. Or, maybe you learn better and comprehend better when you do both!

So if you find listening to audiobooks on their own isn’t working for you, give reading along a try!

2. Listen While Commuting

Whether you drive or you take the train or a bus or some other method of commuting, listening to audiobooks is an excellent way to make use of that commuting time! Audiobooks are also an especially good commute-filler for those with motion sickness, as you can still “read” while on a train/bus without getting sick!

3. Listen While Traveling

Similar to listening while commuting, listening to audiobooks while traveling is a great way to use your travel time. You can listen to audiobooks on a road trip, on flights, or on any other transportation method…and before you know it, you’ll be at your destination!

4. Do Housework

If you dislike housework as much as a I do, putting on an audiobook can be a great way to get you cleaning up your home! Whether you do dishes, scrub floors, clean bathrooms, do laundry, or any other task, listening to audiobooks while doing mindless chores can help you keep your house clean. And if you have a good enough audiobook, you may even look forward to doing these chores!

5. Work on Outside Chores

Another of the most productive things to do while listening to audiobooks is working on outside chores like weeding, mowing the lawn, etc. Whatever outside tasks you have that need to be accomplished, you’ll fly through them in no time with an excellent audiobook to keep you company!

6. Listen While Working

Listening to audiobooks while working is another activity that might work well for you, depending on your job. If your job has long periods where you don’t have to think too much (or deal with words) then it might be the perfect time to listen to your latest audiobook read!

But listening to audiobooks at work isn’t for everyone, so don’t feel bad if it doesn’t work for you! I find that I can’t listen to a story while I’m writing, but if I’m doing anything involving drawing or design then it’s nice to have something fun to listen to.

7. Have an At Home Spa Day

Don’t want just chore and work related ideas for when to listen to audiobooks? If you’re in need of some pampering, one of the best things to do while listening to an audiobook is to have your own at home spa day!

You can find plenty of fun ideas for at home spa days or DIY spa treatments, then turn on a relaxing read and enjoy a lazy day unwinding at home. It’s the perfect combination!

8. Listen in the Shower

Another idea of what to do while listening to an audiobook is to listen in the Shower. Adding in audiobook listening wherever you can will really help you up your audiobook game, so time in the shower is a great way to add a few extra minutes of listening!

If you decide to do this, it can be helpful to have a waterproof bluetooth speaker so it is easy to listen while showering (and you won’t accidentally get any of your other electronics wet).

9. Cook or Bake

Cooking and bake are two more activities that are perfect for audiobook listening! If you don’t like cooking or baking, listening to a great audiobook is the perfect way to help the time go quicker. And if you love cooking and baking, then audiobooks just make the experience that much sweeter!

10. Eat Food (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Etc.)

Speaking of food, another idea of what to do while listening to audiobooks is to eat. If you’re eating meals on your own, it’s nice to have something to listen to while you do so. And if you’re eating dinners or other meals with people on a regular basis, it could be fun to choose an audiobook to listen to and enjoy together!

11. Shop

Going grocery shopping? Going clothes shopping? Going shopping for any other reason? Not only can you listen to audiobooks on your way to the store, but you can also listen while shopping!

Of course, if you’re going to listen in store you’ll need headphones or earbuds to do so (so that you don’t bother other shoppers). The Galaxy Buds+ are my choice for easy wireless listening!

12. Run

If you regularly (or not so regularly) go for runs, then running is the perfect time to pick up audiobook listening. If you choose an audiobook that is exciting or you can’t put down, you may even find yourself running for longer than normal when you get caught up in the story!

13. Hike

Hiking is another great activity that you can do while listening to an audiobook. Not only do you get exercise and (hopefully) some beautiful outdoor views, but you get to spend time immersed in a story! It’s a win-win situation for sure!

14. Go to the Gym

While we’ve talked about a few different exercise-related activities you can do while listening to audiobooks, you can also enjoy audiobooks when you go to the gym. Audiobooks are great distractions from repetitive gym activities that would otherwise leave you bored!

15. Walk Your Dog or Play With Pets

If you have a dog, a cat, or any other fun pets, then you can listen to audiobooks while you take them for a walk or play with them. Dogs are always happy to go for a walk, and now you can be happy on the walk too as it won’t take you away from your reading! And, of course, cats are great for snuggling while reading or are often happy to be scratched or pet or enjoy playing with fun toys with you while you listen.

16. Enjoy Gardening

Is gardening a hobby of yours? If so (or if you want to give it a try), then this is another excellent activity for audiobook listening! There’s nothing more satisfying than helping something grow while you have the chance to listen to your latest read.

17. Organize Your Closet

Have you been putting off organization project like organizing your closet? If so, then pull out an audiobook and get to work! Pairing an audiobook with a mostly mindless task like cleaning out and organizing a closet is a match made in heaven, as you won’t find yourself bored out of your mind while organizing or find yourself fidgeting because you have nothing to do while listening.

18. Organize Your Bookshelves

Speaking of organization, another activity that might be good for audiobook listening is to organize your bookshelves. If you have too many books to fit on bookshelves (or if they’re just all mixed up and unorganized), then taking the time to organize them while listening to a book is a fitting activity.

19. Listen While Crafting

If you love any form of crafting (including knitting, crocheting, jewelry making, etc.) then you can easily listen to audiobooks while you partake in your craft of choice. Combining your craft hobby with your reading hobby is the perfect recipe for a perfect day!

20. Put Together a Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are also an excellent way to engage your hands and part of your mind, while the rest of your mind is engaged in the audiobook story you are listening to! This is a great way to listen to audiobooks on your own, or to have a read aloud audiobook experience with your family.

21. Play Games on Phone/Computer/Xbox/Etc.

Playing games while listening to audiobooks is another idea you might enjoy. Whether that’s games like Solitaire on your phone, or other somewhat mindless games (or games with mindless sections where you have to do repetitive tasks to level up), there are lots of excellent options for listening to audiobooks while playing games on your device of choice!

22. Color in a Coloring Book

Coloring books have been very popular even for adults over the past few years, and if you enjoy coloring or want to give it a try then listening to an audiobook while you do is a great idea!

I love my Secret Garden Coloring Book (and all the other Johanna Basford coloring books), but you can also find fun bookish coloring books like this Pride and Prejudice coloring book or this Harry Potter coloring book. There are so many great coloring books to choose from, so you are sure to find one that is perfect for you!

23. Listen While Waiting in Line

If you have to wait in line anywhere (like theme parks, the DMV, or airport security), that’s also prime audiobook listening time! Of course, if you need to be aware of your surroundings while waiting in line then you should make sure one ear is uncovered or that you only have one earbud in while you listen, but this can be a great time to lessen your waiting in line frustration with a great audiobook!

24. Listen While On Hold

If you’ve called somewhere and are on hold, then pulling out an audiobook can be a good way to help you pass the time. Of course, this doesn’t work so well if your phone is the device where you listen to audiobooks…but if you’re listening on your computer, your Kindle, or another device, then it’s a great time to listen.

25. Paint Your Nails

I don’t know about you, but when I paint my nails I am very quickly over the whole “you have to wait for them to dry before you touch anything” thing. Listening to an audiobook while you paint your nails means you have something to do while you listen, and then you have something to listen to while you wait for them to dry! It’s the perfect setup.

26. People Watch

People watching while you listen to an audiobook is also a great way to give yourself something to do while you listen, especially if you’re looking for something to do that isn’t housework or chores. It’s fun to watch people as they go about their day, and you’ll have your story to keep you company!

27. Sit on the Beach or at Your Favorite Outdoor Spot

Going to the beach (or another nice outdoors spot that you love) is definitely one of the best things to do while listening to an audiobook. You can sit and enjoy the sun at the beach, or sit on the mountains, pull out a hammock, or even just enjoy sitting outside at your house if you have a good spot to sit.

28. Listen While Falling Asleep

And last but not least, when you’re asking “What do you do while listening to audiobooks?” a great option is falling asleep. If you’re looking to relax, then calm audiobooks can be perfect to put on before bedtime to help you fall asleep.

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