25 Ways to Get Out of a Reading Slump

So you’re having trouble reading and are looking for ways to get out of a reading slump? A reading slump is definitely one of the most frustrating things for an avid reader to experience, and I’m fairly sure we’ve all been there at some point!

But what can you do when you desperately want to read but can’t seem to enjoy a book? Luckily, there are several tips and tricks you can use to try to beat the reading slump. Here are 25 tips to help you get back into your reading groove!

1. Re-read a favorite book

If you’re stuck in a reading slump and can’t seem to get out, then one thing you can try is picking up a comfort read that you’ve loved in the past. Picking up books you can escape into can be just the push you need to get back into reading!

2. Try a new genre you don’t normally read

When looking for books to end reading slumps, consider picking up a book that’s from a genre you don’t normally read. Sometimes my reading slumps are caused by reading so many books in one genre that they all start to sound the same and none are exciting anymore. In cases like these, it can be good to introduce some fresh genres to find excitement in reading again.

3. Watch TV or Movies

For persistent cases of reading slump, it’s sometimes a good idea just to walk away for a bit. Change your reading time into TV or movie time, and don’t feel the slightest bit guilty about it!

Some people say to just push through and *look of horror* don’t by any means start watching Netflix! But I say, what’s the point in forcing yourself to read if it’s not bringing you joy? Do something else like watching TV that entertains you for a bit, and come back to reading when you feel in the mood for it again. (But, of course, you get bonus points if you watch a movie or TV series based on a book while you’re in your reading slump! 😉)

4. Read something short and easy

Especially if you’ve been trying to read long, complicated, or heavy books while in your reading slump, you should definitely abandon those for the time being and pick up something short and easy to read. Whether this means reading a short book or reading short stories, giving yourself a break in this way can be an excellent way to feel a sense of accomplishment and get back into the reading mood!

5. Join a reading challenge

If you’re of a competitive nature (even when just competing against yourself), then joining a reading challenge can be an excellent way to kick-start your reading again. This can also be a good way to find a community to enjoy discussing books with, which may contribute to kicking your reading slump to the curb as well.

I’m actually running a summer reading challenge right now, and there’s even some cool prizes if you need even more incentive to get rid of your reading slump. Check it out and join us!

6. Listen to audiobooks

Tired of reading? Try listening to audiobooks instead to help you get out of your reading slump! There are tons of amazing audiobooks with incredible readers, and you can also often get audiobooks for free as well.

Audiobooks are nice because you can listen to books while doing something else, so if you’re in a reading slump where you’re having trouble reading because you can’t seem to sit still long enough to be engaged in a book then this is a good way to break out of it!

7. Read a new book from a favorite author

If you’re wondering how to get out of a reading slump, another thing to try would be looking up your favorite authors and seeing if they have any new books out or if you haven’t yet read some of their currently available books. If you know you like their writing from reading them before, then you may be more likely to enjoy a new book of theirs even when you’re in a slump!

8. Chat with other book lovers

If you don’t feel like reading, try chatting with other book lovers about all things book-related. There’s nothing that can get you more excited about books than talking about them with someone else who loves books just as much as you do! Need help getting the conversation started? Check out these 65 questions to ask book lovers!

9. Browse at a library or bookstore

There’s nothing like staring at your TBR pile while in a reading slump to push you even further into that same reading slump. It’s utterly discouraging! So if you’re tired of looking at your TBR pile, take a break and go browse books at a library or bookstore. You never know what gems you’ll come across, and you may even find just the thing to snap you out of your reading slump!

10. Read fanfiction

Reading fanfiction can be a fun way to get out of a reading slump. Even though it’s not always the highest quality writing, it can be a fun adventure to find an extension of a world you’ve already loved reading about! This can be an especially good way to kick a reading slump if you’re having a book hangover after loving a recent read so much you don’t want to move on yet.

11. Try different books

If you’ve tried all the above tips to get out of a reading slump and nothing’s working, consider trying different books until you find something you like. Yes, this means pick up a bunch of different books, read a bit of each, and if you don’t like it then move on. Hopefully eventually you’ll find a read that will capture your attention!

12. Bribe yourself

I’m not above bribing my self into reading, and if nothing’s else working then giving yourself incentive to read could be a good trick to try! This could mean anything from giving yourself permission to eat a gummy bear for every paragraph you read, to setting a reading goal and buying yourself new clothes or another item you’ve been longing for, to giving yourself a fun day out when you reach a reading goal, etc.!

Whatever you’ve been longing to do, buy, eat, etc. that you wouldn’t normally allow yourself could be a good way to coerce yourself out of your reading slump. (Of course, only reward yourself with things that your budget actually allows for!)

13. Read in a different location

Sometimes your reading slump might be made worse by reading in the same location all the time. If you always read at home, try visiting a cafe or a park or even just changing the room where you read. Sometimes all you need is a small change in your environment to help you start getting back into reading!

14. Read a new book release

There’s just something exciting about reading new book releases, so if you’re feeling stuck in your reading slump then consider picking up a book that has just been published! There’s often a lot of excitement surround a book’s release, so you may easily find yourself caught up in the excitement and be back into reading before you know it! You can find some recent and upcoming new book releases here.

15. Join a book club

It can sometimes be helpful to have accountability and a community when trying to get out of a reading slump, so joining a book club can be a great idea! Whether you make a new book club with a couple of friends, join a club with strangers, or meet virtually/online, a book club is the perfect way to kick yourself into reading gear!

16. Try a different reading format

Are you a passionate physical book devotee? Try reading ebooks! Love ebooks? Pick up a paperback or hardcover! You get the point…whatever you normally do, try a format a little out of your comfort zone to shake things up.

17. Reorganize your books/bookshelves

There’s nothing that will get you back to loving books quicker than playing around with the organization of all your favorite books (especially if you have a lot of books with beautiful covers!) And reorganizing your books may just lead to you discovering a book you forgot about but used to love…which was already mentioned as a great way to get back into reading!

18. Give yourself permission to DNF a book

There’s nothing that makes me feel guiltier than picking up a book…and not liking it enough to want to finish it. When you’re in a reading slump, sometimes it’s not even the book/author’s fault that you want to classify it as DNF instead of continuing. But don’t beat yourself up about this, and instead give yourself permission to let it go and move on to reading something else. You can always give it a try some other time if you like!

19. Plan a reading day/weekend getaway

Planning a day all about reading can be a great way to get out of a reading slump. You get both the enjoyment of planning it, as well as the enjoyment of experiencing it! Be sure to pick up favorite snacks, set up a cozy spot to read or go to somewhere you like to read, etc. You could even do a weekend staycation or getaway and bring some favorite books along!

A reading day/getaway can really be anything you want, but setting aside a special time to look forward to reading can be a good way to beat the reading slump!

20. Read out loud

Is your reading slump leaving you reading the same paragraph over and over? And you just keep getting distracted? I’ve been there too!

Reading out loud can be a great way to combat this and get yourself unstuck. Whether you read to yourself, read to your pets, or find a group of friends/family to do a read aloud with, reading out loud can do wonders for getting you excited about stories again!

21. Start a reading journal

If you’re artistic (or even if you’re not), then starting a reading journal could be a good way to motivate yourself to read. There are lots of beautiful reading journal designs to try (especially in the bullet journal world), and there’s nothing like keeping beautiful records of what you read to get you back into reading soon!

22. Read something funny

If I’m feeling really stuck in a reading slump, one of my favorite things to do is read something funny. Even better when it’s something short/bite-sized and funny, as you get a quick sense of accomplishment at the same time that you enjoy laughing! Laughter really is the best medicine sometimes…

23. Create a reading nook

If you don’t yet have a reading nook, then creating one can be a fun way to do a little redesign in your house while creating a nice space for reading in the future. And once you’re finished creating the reading nook, I’m sure you’ll be quite tempted to start using it all the time! So goodbye reading slump!

24. Set a book buying ban

If you find you keep buying books but aren’t feeling at all motivated to read them, set a book buying ban in place until you’ve met a goal of reading a specific number of books you already own. Buying books and reading books can often seem like two completely different hobbies, but if you love buying books and also want to get out of your reading slump then forcing yourself to stop buying until you’ve reached a goal can be a good way to get yourself back into reading!

25. Let it run its course

If all else fails, let the reading slump run its course. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from reading when you aren’t enjoying it anymore, and when you do get the urge to start reading again you’ll be back and ready to read even more than before!

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