Pros and Cons of Reading Multiple Books at Once: Should You Try It?

So you’re wondering about reading multiple books at once and may be asking yourself questions like: can you read more than one book at a time? Should you read more than one book at a time?

Reading multiple books at the same time can be a little controversial in the book world, so if you’re wondering whether it’s a good idea then it’s important to look at the pros and cons of reading more than one book at a time.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to do! Plus, after learning about the advantages and disadvantages of reading several books at once, stick around for a few tips for how to read multiple books at one time if you decide to give it a try!

Stack of three books on a nightstand by a bed

Can You Read Multiple Books at Once?

First, your most burning question probably is: can you read multiple books at once?

And the answer is yes, you can! It’s not difficult to open up another book and start to read a second or third book without finishing the first one. But the deeper question here is not just if it’s something you can do, but if you can read multiple books at once well.

Will reading multiple books at once be a benefit or a detriment? That question is a little harder to answer.

For those who have never tried reading two books at once (or more than two books!), it can be daunting to think of starting. And you might worry you’ll have trouble focusing and feel split between books, get details mixed up, or perhaps even never finish the multiple books you started.

These are valid questions to consider. And the answer is that whether you can read multiple books well is up to you, the way your brain works, and even your current situation or environment. It can differ for different people whether reading two books at the same time is a good and helpful thing or not.

But to consider whether it’s right for you, continue on to read all the pros and cons of reading more than one book at the same time!

Pros of Reading Multiple Books at Once

Why read multiple books at once? Here are the benefits of reading multiple books at once so you can decide if it’s something you want to try!

1. Helps You Want to Read More

Many readers who try reading multiple books find that it helps them want to read more.

How does this work? Well, if you are only reading one book and you find you’re not in the mood to read it today, then you’re not likely to pick it up and read it. And since it’s the only book you’re reading, you likely won’t read anything that day. And sometimes a reading slump like this can last for days, which means you don’t do much reading at all.

Contrast that with a case where you’re reading multiple books at the same time. If you’re not in the mood for one of your books you’re reading, you’re much more likely to still be in the mood to read one of the other books you’re currently reading. Which means you’re more likely to pick up a book, any book, and keep reading rather than falling into a reading slump.

Giving yourself some choice and options in your reading makes it reading more fun and makes it easier to stay motivated to keep reading (this is one of my biggest tips for how to get or stay interested in reading).

So while some people think that reading multiple books equals feeling more scattered and reading less, the opposite can actually be the case!

2. Lets You Read Based on Your Mood

Another similar reason why it’s worth reading multiple books at once is because you can match your reading to your mood.

Feeling in the mood for a happy read? Pick up a humorous book! Feeling like you want to immerse yourself in another world for a while? Pick up something fantasy!

When you open yourself up to the possibility of reading multiple books at once, you can choose what you feel like reading and just go ahead and find a book that matches that mood. This can make reading a lot more fun, so it’s worth considering if you’re thinking about giving multiple books a try.

3. Adds More Diversity to Your Reading

Additionally, reading multiple books can be a good idea because it can add more diversity to your reading.

If you only allow yourself to read one book at once, you’re stuck with that one book until you finish it. This means either you only choose books you know you’ll love, or you’re faced with the prospect of trying to get through a book when you don’t really like it. (Although it can be an option to decide to stop reading a book, there are many reasons why you might want to finish a book that you don’t particularly enjoy reading).

But if you’re reading multiple books at the same time, you can have a variety of books you’re reading and not feel stuck with any particular one.

For example, sometimes overall I usually prefer reading fiction books, but sometimes there are specific nonfiction topics that I’m either interested in and want to read or that I have to read for one reason or another. In cases like these, I can pick up the nonfiction book to read with the knowledge that I also have other books I can read if I need a break or want something more lighthearted.

This makes me more likely to pick up books I’m not certain I’ll love (or that I wouldn’t want to read all in one go, with no break). Which means there’s more diversity in what I read because I know I’m not stuck with any particular book but instead have some flexibility!

4. Improves Your Memory and Focus

Reading more than one book at a time can also be a good way to improve memory and focus.

After all, if you’re reading multiple books, there can be a lot to keep track of! You have to balance different storylines, and recall important details when you pick back up a book where you left off.

This keeps your brain engaged and active, so if you’re feeling like you want to improve your memory and help it be less rusty, then reading multiple books at the same time can be a good exercise to help improve your memory function!

5. Gets You Through Your TBR Quicker

If you’re reading multiple books at once, and this helps you to read more often (as we mentioned in the first point above), then guess what else is a benefit of reading two or more books at once? That’s right—getting through your TBR quicker!

There are lots of ways to reduce your TBR pile, but reading more books more frequently because you’re more excited about your options for reading is definitely a good start to get you through your TBR list!

6. Helps You Read Better Books

Another reason why you should read multiple books at once is that it can help you read better books.

Now, this may sound counterintuitive at first, because wouldn’t reading more books at the same time mean more of those aren’t as quality? While this could be the case for some people, in most cases reading more books at the same time actually helps you read better quality books or books you simply enjoy more

Why is this the case? Well, reading different books at the same time can make it so much easier to put down a book you’re not enjoying or decide to stop reading a book that isn’t as well written. If you’re reading only one book at a time, you can feel more pressure to finish it before allowing yourself to move on to another book you actually enjoy.

Reading multiple books at the same time helps you get a better feel for when and how to move on from books you aren’t enjoying, and because one book isn’t the sole focus of your energy it is easier to stand up to the pressure and entrapment that tries to coerce us into reading things we don’t enjoy and aren’t useful to us.

Cons of Reading Multiple Books at Once

So should you read multiple books at once? Based on the advantages listed above, you might think it’s a no-brainer to start reading multiple books right away! But before you rush out to find a second or third book to start reading, let’s take a look at some of the disadvantages of reading multiple books at the same time.

1. Being Less Invested in What You’re Reading

Why shouldn’t you read multiple books at the same time? One of the biggest reasons is that you could end up less invested in what you’re reading.

With a multitude of options, you might find yourself valuing what you read less, or perhaps reading for the sake of consumption instead of reading for enjoyment, reading to learn, etc. You might simply care less about what you’re reading because you have so many options to enjoy.

While some people find reading multiple books at once helps them to be more invested in each book when they’re reading it, others might find the exact opposite. And if you find yourself devaluing the books you’re reading, it could be time to slow down and read only one book at a time.

2. Missing Important Points and Details From Books

Forgetting details from the books you read could also be another con of reading multiple books at the same time.

If you’re reading too many books at once, then important details from each of the books could start to get blurred or confused in your mind. You might forget details entirely, or you might mix up characters or plot points or facts from each of your books.

Additionally, some books simply require more focus (like classics especially with older language, or non-fiction books with lots of facts to keep track of). If you’re reading books with more complex characters, storylines, more formal language, or other details that make comprehension more difficult, then you might find reading multiple books will not work well for you in these cases.

3. Not Finishing Many of the Books You Start

Another possible detriment of reading multiple books is that you might start a lot of books but never finish them.

If you’re always drawn to the next shiny object, you might find yourself always wanting to start that new book that just came out or the book your friend just recommended. And then you might find it hard to keep interested in any book, no matter how excited you were to start it in the first place.

In cases like these, you could end up with a lot of unfinished books and be marking books as DNF for no good reason. So it’s likely that if you find yourself doing this, then reading multiple books at the same time is not for you at this time.

Tall tower of books stacked up in front of bookshelves

How To Read Multiple Books at Once

So now you’ve heard the pros and cons of reading multiple books simultaneously, and you’re ready to give reading more than one book a try. So how do people read multiple books at once? To help you out, here are the best tips for reading multiple books at the same time!

1. Start By Reading Just Two Books at Once

When you’re first starting out with reading multiple books at the same time, it can be tempting to go all in and start a million books at the same time. After all, you want to celebrate your newfound book-reading freedom!

However, starting small with reading just 2-3 books at a time is the way to go. This will help you adjust to keeping track of multiple storylines, characters, etc., which definitely can be an adjustment at first if you’re not used to it.

So don’t burn yourself out by reading 15 books at the same time right away…instead, build up to that if that is your eventual goal. 😉

2. Curate a TBR List

If you don’t already have one, creating a TBR list can be a good way to organize your thoughts about what books you want to read next. Especially when reading multiple books at the same time, it can be helpful to have a carefully curated list of books you want to read next to choose from.

When you have a TBR, you can always be adding to it and starting new books off the list, choosing what to read next based on any criteria you like. A list just helps streamline choosing what to read next when you finish one of your multiple books!

3. Read Books That Are Different From Each Other

Another handy tip for how to read more than one book at a time is to read books that are pretty different from each other.

Reading books from different genres, or fiction vs non-fiction, or anything else that makes them different from each other is a super helpful idea. First, because if the books are different enough then it makes it easier to keep the stories straight and not mix them up. Second, because this gives you more options for reading on days where you’re just not feeling a specific type of book.

If all the books you’re reading at the same time are fantasy books, you might find the details getting fuzzier as you switch between them. And what happens if one day you’re not in a fantasy mood?

But if instead you add some variety and keep a diverse spread of book options in your rotation, you’re more likely to keep things straight and keep reading even in different moods.

4. Read By Mood

Next up, don’t forget to give yourself permission to read by your mood!

Reading what you’re in the mood for is one of the biggest joys of reading multiple books at the same time, so be sure to take full advantage of this. Have two books you’re currently working through and you’re not in the mood for either? Pick up a third!

As we mentioned earlier, choosing a book to suit your mood will help you keep reading even when in other cases you might not feel like picking up a book that day. So this is an important tip to keep in mind, especially if you’ve allowed yourself in the past to be guilted into keeping on reading something that you really aren’t enjoying.

5. Use a Reading Journal to Track Your Reading

It can also be a fun and useful idea to keep a reading journal or reading tracker with information about the books you’re reading, especially when reading several books at the same time.

Journaling a little about the books you’re reading can help you keep characters and storylines fresh in your mind, even when taking a break while reading the book. And keeping notes in a reading tracker is perfect for helping you recall information (including title and author) of books you read, especially after some time has passed.

So if you want to read multiple books at once but are struggling a bit with memory while reading them, a reading journal or reading tracker is definitely the way to go!

6. Read Using Different Formats

Another excellent idea for how to read two books at once would be to read using different formats, such as a mix and match of physical books, ebooks, and audiobooks.

If one of your books is in physical, print format and another is in an audiobook, the different mediums can help you distinguish between the different books and help improve your memory and retention. Plus, it’s so nice to have one book you can enjoy while sitting down and relaxing and another book you can listen to while commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc.

Both my library and Audible have been really convenient for me to get free or cheaper audiobooks, and I love Audible’s Audible Plus feature that allows unlimited listening as that means I can try out multiple audiobooks at the same time if I want as well.

7. Take All the Time You Need

Last but not least, be sure to allow yourself all the time you need to finish reading books when you’re reading multiple at the same time.

For some books, you might finish in a few days. Other books might take you months or even a year. But whatever the case, give yourself grace and do what feels right for you.

There’s no deadline you need to meet, and you are allowed to take as long as you want to finish a book or decide you never want to finish it as well. The timeline and results are all up to you.

And when you finish one of your multiple books, be sure to give yourself the option to focus on one of your others currently open and try to finish it…or give yourself the option to start a new one you’ve been looking forward to.

The flexibility to choose is one of the greatest joys of reading many different books at once, so enjoy this option to the fullest!

Reading Multiple Books at a Time FAQ

Still have questions about reading more than one book at the same time? Check out these frequently asked questions or leave a comment below if your question isn’t answered here!

1. Should I read more than one book at a time?

Can I read more than one book at a time? Should I read multiple books at once? These are two questions I hear asked all the time.

If you’re asking yourself the question “Should I read multiple books at the same time?”, it’s important to note that ultimately it comes down to what you’re comfortable with and what works for you in this moment of time.

Do you enjoy the pace of reading one book or do you want to try adding a second? How is your memory recall? Does the idea of reading multiple books sound appealing or stressful?

Some people might find that they love the idea of reading more than one book, and others might find they don’t. If you give multiple books a try, you might find you love it or you might find you hate it.

Ultimately, if reading one book at a time works best for you and makes you happiest, there’s no reason you need to read more than one at once. And conversely, if you read multiple books at a time and feel like you’re able to keep up with the different storylines and reading more than one book is bringing you joy, then there’s no reason you need to only read one.

So in answering whether you should read multiple books, I suggest you give it a try and see what the experience is like for you! Because ultimately, this is a question only you can answer.

2. Is it bad to read multiple books at once?

No, it is not bad to read multiple books at once!

As mentioned earlier, there are both pros and cons to reading multiple books at the same time. You can read the breakdown above, but for the majority of people the pros often outweigh the cons of reading more than one book at a time.

There may be specific instances or specific people who find that they prefer reading only one book at a time, but that doesn’t mean that reading multiple books is bad on the whole…simply that there are different preferences for reading, and that you might find different options work better in different seasons of life.

3. Is it good to read multiple books at once?

Yes, it can be good to read multiple books at the same time! There are many pros to reading multiple books, as outlined in the article above, and many reasons why you might want to give reading multiple at once a try.

But there are also cons to reading multiple books at once, so you will need to weigh for yourself what works best for you.

4. Is it better to read multiple books at once?

Is it better to read one book at a time or multiple? This is a hard question to answer, as it will really depend on the person. Some people will find it works better for them to read one book at a time, and others will find it works better to read multiple.

Check out the pros and cons listed above, as well as tips for reading multiple books simultaneously, to help you discover whether reading multiple books at once is better for you!

5. Is it hard to read multiple books at once?

For some people, it can be harder to read multiple books at once than to read one at a time. How hard it is can also depend on the subject matter of the books you’re reading and how complex the characters and story are to follow.

Other people may find it easy to read multiple books at once. So if you’re wondering whether it will be hard or easy for you, check out the pros and cons above and consider giving it a try for yourself!

6. Is it normal to read multiple books at once?

Yes, it is perfectly normal to read multiple books at once! But it is also perfectly normal to read only one book at a time.

There is so much diversity in readers and the way we all like to read, that there are many “normals” when it comes to what reading “should” look like. Many readers do love to read more than one book at the same time, though, and this is a perfectly normal thing to do!

7. How many books should I read at once?

When first starting out with reading more than one book at a time, I recommend starting small with reading just 2-3 books at the same time.

Reading only 2-3 books at first will help you grow accustomed to what it is like to read multiples at once, and will help you stretch yourself with remembering details from different books.

But are you wondering how many books to read at once after you’ve been reading multiples for a while? If so, the sky’s the limit! Many readers say they have anywhere from 2-10 books open at a time, though I suspect the majority generally only have anywhere from 2-5 on their reading docket most of the time.

But once you feel comfortable reading more than one book at a time, you can feel free to open as many as you feel you can handle!

8. Do you read multiple books at once?

If you’re wondering “Do you read multiple books at a time?”, the answer is yes, I do! I generally like to have 3-4 different books I’m working through at any given time, though occasionally I do choose to read only one at a time to give it my sole focus

Mood reading is generally the real reason why I read multiple books at once, though running a book website also gives me plenty of other reasons I may need to be reading more than one book at the same time.

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